Christian Devotional – August 11, 2023
The Coming Savior, Day 19

The promise, with conditions. Read Exodus chapter 19.
The people have been brought out of Egypt and now they are in a place where they are learning to worship the Lord. God is setting up expectations for the people so that they will understand what they are supposed to be doing and how. God reminds them that if they will do what he asks them, then he will be their God and set them apart beyond any other nation in the world. This is an incredible promise, but there is a condition that must be met. The people must obey him and seek him first.
God promises us many things as well. If we will follow him and glorify him and seek him first, then he will be our God and he will make himself known to us. What an incredible opportunity to get to know and understand God in all of his glory! Are we keeping our end of the agreement today?