
Christian Devotional – August 12, 2023

The Coming Savior, Day 20

The list of rules. Read Exodus chapter 20.

Moses has received the list of the Ten commandments that he gives to the people of Israel. Now they understand what God is looking for and the demand of holiness and excellence that he has for them. Understandably, the people are afraid. They know that they can’t possibly measure up to the expectation that God has for them. As a result, Moses helps them understand that God is testing them so that they will fear God.

Only by truly understanding how holy God is can we recognize our need for him. These rules and commands were given as a way for us to understand our desperate need for God. The tests that God puts us through are designed to help us understand and see our need for him. Do we recognize our need for God? Do we seek him every day because we need him?