Christian Devotional – August 13, 2022
Teaching and Training, Day 32

Endurance. What does it take to finish well? That is the question that Paul is pondering as he works through his concluding statements to Timothy. Read 2 Timothy 4:6-8.
Paul wants Timothy to understand that the end will come. Paul knows that he will die at some point. Yet, that is not a cause for grief, that is an opportunity for celebration. As Paul sees that end coming toward him, his focus is on ensuring that he finishes well. Is he enduring in the path that God has laid out before him? How else can Paul continue to glorify God and my God and bring honor to Jesus Christ in everything that he does?
The same question stands before us. We have no idea how much time we have left on this Earth. Every moment is an opportunity to glorify God and as believers, we are to endure and finish the race that God has laid before us. Are we finishing in such a way that it brings glory to God every day?