
Christian Devotional – August 13, 2024

Times of Transition, Day 35

Arrogance. Read 2 Kings chapter 14.

My Mom used to call it being too big for your britches. It can be easy to overestimate our abilities and come off as arrogant. The King of Judah had done just that. He had won a minor victory and started to think of himself as bigger and better than he was. He challenged the King of Israel, who tried to get him to stop, however he would not be swayed and went to battle anyway. Judah was defeated mightily.

We need to understand that God is the one who gives us our strength and our arrogance can only come through his ability in us. If we are not doing what he would have us to do, then we will fail every time. Are we arrogant in our own abilities or are we relying on God to work and move through us?