Christian Devotional – August 14, 2023
The Coming Savior, Day 22

Treat people as God would treat them. Read Exodus chapter 22.
The chapter provides the basics of a lot of property laws that we still follow to this day. It also is a good reminder that we should treat people like people. We are not to take advantage of others just because their situation may be different from ours. God treats each of us with love and compassion. As a result, we are to treat others with love and compassion as well. This includes people that we would normally be able to take advantage of.
The fatherless and the widow were often people that were seen as having no status during this time. They were easy prey to be taken advantage of by others. That is not how God wants us to treat others people around us. How do we treat the disadvantaged? How are we treating them compared to others? God loves them and wants us to treat them like we would treat him.