
Christian Devotional – August 14, 2024

Times of Transition, Day 35

Contrary to what we assume. Read 2 Kings chapter 15.

As we read through the long list of kings found in second Kings chapter 15, we find so many people who did not follow God’s design and desire for their life. We see how they disobeyed and followed other gods and were ultimately assassinated or captured. Yet we do read of the kings of Judah and this King in particular who did follow God.

Knowing that, it seems unusual to me to see that he also had leprosy. Often leprosy was thought of as a punishment for disobedience and yet that was not the case here. God clearly states that this king followed him, and then also clearly states that he had leprosy. We must come to a place where we understand that there can be times where we can follow him obediently and still experience challenges and difficulties and trials in our life.

We are not promised an easy, pain free Christian life. Jesus certainly didn’t have one. What we are promised is that God will be with us and that he will be glorified. Is that enough for us? Will we continue to be obedient regardless of how God chooses to move in our life?