Christian Devotional – August 18, 2023
The Coming Savior, Day 26

Separations. Read Exodus chapter 26.
As we move further through the explanation of the building of the tabernacle, we start to see a common theme. God tells the people to create separations between areas. God creates boundaries around areas that he wants to be holy. This is such an interesting practice because it actually speaks to the need for the coming savior.
When there are separations created between areas, then they are not unified and whole. God needs the people to understand that their sin and lack of holiness actually is what is creating the division between the areas. God cannot allow their unholiness to mingle with his holiness. That is why we needed the Savior. We can never be wholly the way God intended for us to be holy. So, he needed a way to show and demonstrate that separation.
When we look at our own lives, do we recognize that need for a Savior? Do we see the sin and shortcoming in our lives and do we recognize it for the separation that it is? Sometimes, before we can help someone come to saving grace in Christ, we must first help them understand their need for salvation. Through this tabernacle, God was doing just that for the people of Israel. Do we see this separation in our own lives? Are we relying on the Savior to bridge that gap?