Christian Devotional – August 2, 2023
The Coming Savior, Day 10

Continued difference. Read Exodus chapter 10.
If things weren’t intense enough before, now they’re really starting to heat up. The Egyptians continue to want the Israelites to leave. Pharaoh continues to say no. Moses and the Lord continue to bring plagues. We still see in many cases the differentiation between the Israelite people and the Egyptians. The Egyptians walked around in complete and total darkness for 3 days, but the Israelites had light where they lived for those days.
If we examine our life, which would we have been? Would we have been in darkness for 3 days, or would we have been in the light? Are we a child of God, or are we not? Those who are separated from God and do not know him are figuratively walking around the darkness every single day. They do not understand the truth and they cannot see it. However, those who know Christ are in the light. They see. Are those of us with the light sharing with those who do not have it. How can we bring the light to more people today?