
Christian Devotional – August 22, 2024

Times of Transition, Day 42

Repentance. Read 2 Kings chapter 22.

King Josiah was very young when he became king. He was not like his father as he actually believed in and followed God. He began a restoration project to the Temple, and as a result, they uncovered the book of the law. Many people believe this was the book of Deuteronomy.

When this book was read to him, he immediately understood just how great the sin of the people of Judah had been and just how angry God was with the people. He immediately repented. He immediately humbled himself before the Lord. He knew that even as King, he had no right to stand before the holy God.

When we look at our situation, we must constantly be evaluating it next God’s standard. Yes, King Josiah was much better than his father was, but he was nowhere near the standard that God had set. When we are looking at our lives, we must constantly be measuring it next to the God of the universe. Are we following through and repenting in true humility to God?

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