Christian Devotional – August 23, 2022
Prayer in Action, Day 7

God’s plan. Nehemiah knew that God had given him a mission, but he had not yet shared that with anyone. Read Nehemiah 2:11-13.
Nehemiah knew he had to do something. He knew that God had given him a goal and a mission. He probably even had a basic idea of what that mission entailed. However, he didn’t start by giving orders. He started by assessing the situation. Nehemiah went around and actually took a good long look at the current state of the city.
When God gives us direction and a plan, do we seek to understand how he wants us to implement the plan? Or do we just barrel forward thinking that as long as we get to the end goal that God wants then we are fine. Yes, Nehemiah knew the end goal was to help the people of Israel and to restore the city of Jerusalem, but he understood that he didn’t understand exactly how to go about doing that. He put away all his preconceived notions and ideas and allowed God to work and move and show him for him exactly where he needed to be used.
Do we allow God to use us in the same way? Are we open to being flexible so that God can fine tune the plan as we go?