
Christian Devotional – August 23, 2023

The Coming Savior, Day 31

God-given talent. Read Exodus chapter 31.

As God is giving all of the instructions and directions on how to build this incredible tabernacle, it can seem overwhelming to figure out how all of those things would have been accomplished. Here’s the secret in this chapter. God gave the skills and talents needed to be able to accomplish his will to individuals. God gave them what they needed.

God never gives us anything to do that he does not also equip us to be able to do. Every task and every purpose that God sets before us, God also enables us to accomplish it. When we take a look at the things that God is leading us to do, we quickly see that only God could truly accomplish all the things that he has for us. That is so encouraging! We can know that if God is leading us to do something, then God will also enable us to do that very thing.