
Christian Devotional – August 24, 2024

Times of Transition, Day 44

According to the Lord’s command. Read 2 Kings chapter 24.

As we come to the end of the country of Judah, we see God doing exactly what he said he was going to do. There are consequences to sin. Those can be delayed at times and those can even be forgiven at times. But in this case, God understood that the people had been so evil for so long, and so unrepentant, that he promised judgment at the right time.

God allowed that judgment to come in the form of the country of Babylon. They came in and destroyed Jerusalem, took its leadership captive and deported the best and brightest of their people to Babylon.

When we consider all that God is doing in the world, we must understand that sin has consequences. God is going to fulfill his promises to us, promises for good, and the promises for struggle and judgment. We must control ourselves and seek to obey and repent to him. We cannot control other people and we cannot control our government, but we should be working to influence those as much as we can.

Following Christ, are we seeking to influence others to follow Christ as well? If not, we will ultimately experience the judgment of God, just like Judah.