Christian Devotional – August 27, 2021
Esther, Day 3

Read Esther 3.
Why is it that the most painful bruise that one can receive is a bruised ego? Haman experienced one. He had built up a sense of pride in who he was and the position that he held. Yet one look at a defiant Mordecai and his bruised ego began to get the better of him.
Are we so busy stroking our own ego that we miss the opportunity to lift up and praise God? Do we recognize when we are placing ourselves higher than God in our own lives? Haman suffered from a bruised ego, but his refusal to acknowledge God as the highest authority in his life began a downward spiral that ended up with his death.
Do we acknowledge God as the highest authority in our life? Do we get a bruised ego or have we turned over our pride to Him?