Christian Devotional – August 27, 2022
Prayer in Action, Day 11

Everyone plays a role. As Nehemiah’s plan moves forward, everyone participated, even if it was just a small part. They were all mentioned and listed. Read Nehemiah 3:13-21.
We all have a part to play. As you read through through this chapter and the list of names and places that were rebuilt because of Nehemiah’s boldness and follow through on God’s plan, we quickly realize that some sections are larger than others. Some people did more than others. Some people didn’t do as much. Yet, all were listed here.
It’s important to understand that our obedience to God is enough. The quantity of the impact or the size of the project, doesn’t matter. God is in control of that aspect. All we are to do is be obedient to him. No matter whether our part is large or small, we are important to him. Our obedience matters. Will we follow through on the role that God has for us to play?