Christian Devotional – August 28, 2023
The Coming Savior, Day 36

The Coming Savior, Day 36
Are we being obedient with what we bring to the Lord? Today we see the work continuing on the tavernacle. We read through this chapter and we realize that the people were bringing their offerings to support the work. In fact, they were being so obedient that they had more than enough supplies to build what God had asked them to build. The workers even came back to Moses and said, “Tell the people to stop bringing offerings.”
God has more than enough available to him to be able to do absolutely everything that he wants or needs to do. God is in control of all the resources in the world. So, if there are ministries that God is moving in that do not have enough supplies, the question becomes whether or not people are being obedient to do what God has told them to do?
Make no mistake, God is able to accomplish everything he wants to, but are we missing out on blessing because we don’t give the way God instructs us to give? Do we encourage ministries the way that God does? How can we be more obedient in how we give to the purposes and plans that God has today?