
Christian Devotional – August 28, 2024

Hope, Day 2

Hope delayed. Read Ezra chapter 2.

As we read through all the names that represent the individuals who obeyed God, we see a specific set of names of specific people who had been born into the priesthood. However, they were not able to prove their lineage. God had set apart a specific family to be the ones who were to minister to him in the temple. These people were born from that lineage but they were not able to prove it. Somehow the records had been lost.

But, God even made a way for them to still have hope. God had made a provision long ago for people to be able to know his will in a situation and these people simply had to wait until that was going to be able to be done. These people had hope.

As God continues to move through our lives, we are never without hope. There is always a reason for why God does what he does, and God always leaves open a way for his will to be done in every situation. Sometimes we have to look for that opening and sometimes it’s not easy to walk through the path that leads to God’s will, but there is always a path.

Are we looking for that path? Are we seeking for God’s will, and do we see hope in every situation because of how God has moved?

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