Christian Devotional – August 29, 2022
Prayer in Action, Day 13

Back to prayer. We have seen Nehemiah in action for the last little bit and now he is back to prayer. Read Nehemiah 4:1-5.
So much work was done in chapter 3. We saw gates hung and walls rebuilt and the people coming together to truly accomplish all of God’s purposes and plans. However, that’s usually when the enemy starts to strike hardest. As we see coming forward, now the people are being ridiculed.
How do we respond when we are being ridiculed by others? We pray. It is not our job to defend God’s plan and purpose in our lives. That’s God’s job. We are to simply be obedient to all that God has us to do and as we do that, God defends us when necessary. We are not responsible for answering the attacks. So, Nehemiah went back to prayer. He continued praying to God that God would address and take care of the situation. Let God worry about his job.
Are we busy doing the work God has for us to do and allowing God to do His job? We need to be obedient, but he is responsible for defending us. Stay busy doing the work that God has us doing. Don’t be distracted.