Christian Devotional – August 29, 2023
The Coming Savior, Day 37

The work continues. Read Exodus chapter 37.
As work continues on the tabernacle, we see some of the key components being crafted. The ark of the covenant and the altar are both taking shape under the hands and direction of a master craftsman. At the very end of the chapter, we read about the perfume and incense that is being created. All of these wonderful pieces that are wholly intent on celebrating and worshiping God.
As we read through these, and even knowing that we do not worship with the ark of the covenant, we still worship the same God. Jesus Christ became the means through which we are able to come to the father and to sacrifice our lives to him. As we think about what that looks like, we recognize just how beautifully and wonderfully created we are. God put the same attention and detail into each one of us that he did into all the components that were made to worship him. That’s because we were made to worship him. Do we recognize our creator and are we fulfilling our purpose of being a pleasant aroma of worship to him?