
Christian Devotional – August 29, 2024

Hope, Day 3

Hope in the face of fear. Read Ezra chapter 3.

The people were being obedient. They were following through on all that God had commanded them to do, and yet they still experienced fear. Even when we follow the commands of God and we have complete hope and confidence in all that God is going to do, we can still experience fear. Fear is not a lack of faith. Fear is a response to our perception of our circumstances. Only when fear keeps us from acting on the commands of God does it become a lack of faith.

Are we acting on the commamds that we have been given? God knows that some of the circumstances we go through are scary and fear is a natural response. We have our hope in God and because of that hope, we can continue to act.

Are we moving through our fear and still being obedient to God and all that he has commanded us to do?

Watch the video devotional here