
Christian Devotional – August 30, 2024

Hope, Day 4

Hope, frustrated. Read Ezra chapter 4.

No matter what we do, we are always going to encounter enemies. There will always be people who do not want God’s work to move forward. The people here experienced the same and these enemies were able to impact the work. They were able to get the king to order the work to stop.

It can be tremendously frustrating to know what God’s will is and to be moving in the direction of God’s will, and then to an experience a roadblock. Hope can be frustrated by outside forces. But just because hope is frustrated doesn’t mean the hope is gone. There was a delay, yes, but there was still God moving and working in exactly the right way at exactly the right time.

We can continue to have hope even in the midst of obstacles that seem to slow us down or even bring us to a halt. God is not surprised by those obstacles. We maintain our hope in the Lord, even when that hope seems to be frustrated.

Watch today’s devotional on YouTube