Christian Devotional – August 31, 2022
Prayer in Action, Day 15

Back to action. Read Nehemiah 4:10-18.
Nehemiah has been praying and God has heard his prayer, and now it’s time for action again. The threats continue and the enemies are surrounding them. So God shares with Nehemiah a plan to keep the work moving and the people safe. Again the people were focused on getting the work done, but they didn’t neglect the precautions that they needed to take for themselves and their families. They armed themselves and and did the work that needed to get done. They were ready for an attack at any moment.
As we go through our day, do we recognize that we are to continue doing the work that God has given us, but we also must be prepared for an attack by the enemy at any moment. Satan is constantly looking for opportunities to attack us and we need to be ready. We can’t stop doing the work that God has given us out of fear of an attack, but we can be prepared and ready to respond.
Are we continuing to do the work that God has for us and are we prepared for the inevitable attack of the enemy that will come?