Christian Devotional – August 4, 2023
The Coming Savior, Day 12

An event to restart time. Read Exodus chapter 12.
As we come to chapter 12, we read one of the largest events in history. This event was so monumental and so unbelievable that God actually tells the people to use this as an event to change their calendar by. No longer would they follow any other calendars from any other peoples or places, they would follow his calendar based on his salvation.
God does amazing and remarkable things every day, but some days there are those events that are so life-changing, so revolutionary, that we start to mark all other time based on that event. The day that God in his mercy saves us through his son Jesus Christ can be one of those events in our lives. Sometimes, it’s about a day when God shows himself faithful in a way we never would have expected. Either way, what are your events where God has moved in an unbelievable and incredible way?