Christian Devotional – August 8, 2023
The Coming Savior, Day 16

Really?? Read Exodus chapter 16.
One of my favorite emojis to use is the Face Palm 🤦🏼♀️
So often throughout my day, that sums up how I feel about situations that occur or the way people have responded. It’s an expression that says, “Are you kidding me? What were you thinking?”
I’ve often wondered if that expression came into being during this time in history when God was dealing with the Israelite people. I think God must have used that expression multiple times as different people and situations continue to try his patience. However, God continued to be merciful and still met their needs even when they were not obedient and had to be frustrating to him.
When we think about the way we treat other people, and the fact that Christ lives in us, do we have the patience and the mercy toward others that Christ has toward us? Do we slap our palm to our forehead in disbelief in frustration or do we seek to find ways to continue to help people? So often, God has mercy on us. Do we have mercy on others?