
Christian Devotional – December 16, 2014

Read Judges chapter 14


Judges 14:17–She cried the whole seven days of the feast. So on the seventh day he finally told her, because she continued to press him. She in turn explained the riddle to her people.


Why do people continue to whine and beg? Because often it gets results. Samson here was willing to give up the answer to a riddle that he had posed just because his wife whined and cried about it. Do we use whining and begging as a means to get our way? Yes it may seem to work and people do what we want, but the attitude the do it with is far from loving or right. Often they are doing things just to get us to be quiet. Do we want to receive love and honor from others? We must act in a way that is loving and honorable and pleasing to God. Whining and begging are simply not part of that and they certainly don’t please God.


Father, I pray You will help me to bring my requests to You and to others in a way that honors and pleases You. I want to be open to You and I want to receive what You have for me even if it’s not what I originally thought I needed. I will not whine or beg as a tactic to try and get my way today as it will certainly backfire.