
Christian Devotional – December 16, 2024

Take Action, Day 4

Action may not be popular. Read Acts chapter 4.

We read this chapter and see the aftermath of the miracle that God performed in chapter 3. It becomes very obvious that doing the right thing does not always make people like you. In fact, Peter and John realized very quickly that allowing God to heal the man through them was resulting in a lot of unhappy people.

Sometimes, when we take action and are obedient to God, people are going to be upset. They will not like what we do or how we do it. We cannot guarantee that others will love what we do, but then others didn’t love Jesus either. They didn’t love what he did, so we are in good company. That should not stop us from taking the action that we know we need to take. Are we following through on obedience regardless of how others will react to us?

Video devotional here: