Christian Devotional – December 17, 2015
Genesis 2:24–That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
God created all things, including marriage. As the Creator, He alone has the right to define what marriage is. In His statement here, a man and a woman leave all others and become united to each other and only each other. There are many people today who feel that they have the right to define marriage in whatever way they wish and whatever way they feel comfortable with in the moment. However, they didn’t create marriage, so they don’t have the right to redefine it. Ultimately, we must decide if we agree with God’s definition of marriage or not; we cannot simply redefine it to suit our personal desires.
Father, please forgive us for usurping Your authority over marriage and its definition. I will allow You and only You to define what marriage is and what it isn’t. Give me the boldness to stand for You even in the midst of all those who disagree with You. I know that ultimately, they are not disagreeing with me, but with You. Help me lovingly show them Your truth in this area.