Christian Devotional – December 19, 2023
Revelation, Day 22

Coming soon. Read Revelation chapter 22.
As we draw to the close of this amazing book of the Bible, which also happens to be the last book of the Bible, we end with this chapter. This chapter goes through in details the final end result of all things that we will know, and that is that Jesus Christ is Victor and Lord over all.
Everything that happens, happens to bring us to this point. We can rest assured that God is over everything that we go through, even when we don’t understand it and it doesn’t feel good. We can rest in the knowledge that Jesus is Lord of all. Because of this we can keep the words of prophecy in this book. We can be focused on obedience to him as we have committed our lives to him. We can say like John at the end of the book, even so, come Lord Jesus!