
Christian Devotional – December 23, 2022

The Decay Within, Day 1

The Lord roars. Read Amos chapter 1.

The second book that I ever had published was a Bible study over the book of Amos. I find it there to be a tremendous amount of learnings throughout this small, but mighty, book. As we conclude the year 2022, we’re going to spend the last 9 days going through this powerful book.

The book starts out with a declaration of the power of God. We see the Lord roaring like a lion. God is powerful. Sometimes we forget just how mighty he truly is and when we think about all that God does every single day, we learn that he is truly Lord over all. He is the king in every single way. We can focus on the love of God and the peace of God but we cannot forget the power of who God is.

During this Christmas season we often see Jesus depicted as a tiny baby. Still, we should never equate God as being helpless and dependant like a baby. Even while he was a baby in a manger he was still Lord over absolutely everything in creation. God is powerful. Are we seeing and recognizing his power in and through our lives?