
Christian Devotional – December 27, 2019

Troubled? The magi have come looking for the one who was born king. Obviously, Herod would be troubled as he was the current king. But this news didn’t just trouble him, it troubled everyone. Read Matthew 2:3-4.

When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. Gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born.
Matthew 2:3‭-‬4 NASB

With the coming of the magi, it became very important to Herod to know and understand where this new king may be from. What did the magi know about this king? What did his own people know about this king? Herod was troubled, and as a result, everyone else around him was troubled too.

Are we troubled by the thought of Jesus Christ? Are we seeking him out to be part of our lives, or are we trying to seek him out so we can avoid him or destroy him? Herod wanted to destroy him, and that was evident in the reason why he was troubled. Why are we seeking Jesus?