Christian Devotional – December 27, 2021
Bigger Than Me, Day 2

As we look at the second day of the reading plan “bigger than me,” we understand that Jesus is actually everything there is. Read Matthew 4:19 and Revelation 1:8.
Jesus Christ was there in the beginning. He is God so he was with God upon creation of everything. He is the beginning of all things and he will be the end of all things. When we think about who we are and the span that we have on this Earth, we must understand that it pales in comparison to the influence and span that Jesus Christ has. Our worth and all that we are is defined by our relationship with Jesus. We must understand that he is so much more than we could ever think about and that our position and worth is defined by who he says we are, not who we think we are.
Jesus is so much bigger than us but because of our relationship with Jesus, we can experience the same that he experiences. Are we following after him? Are we allowing him to lead and guide and direct every step of our life because he is the one who is over all things.