Christian Devotional – December 29, 2021
Bigger Than Me, Day 4

Focus. What is the opposite of focus? Distraction. Martha knew all about distraction. Read Luke 10:38-42.
As we look at day 4 of the Bigger Than Me reading plan in, we come to see the importance of of staying focused. Martha had Jesus in her home yet The Bible indicates that she was distracted. She had so many things on her mind that she needed to do for Jesus instead of recognizing that it’s really about being with Jesus.
It comes down to distraction versus focus. How focused are we on Jesus and all that he does for us? Are we still under the misconception that we need to do anything for God? You see God doesn’t really need our actions. He has everything he needs and he can cause anything he wants to. However, God desires our obedience and our focus. Martha was distracted by doing so many other things instead of focusing on who God is and understanding and loving and God more. Are we focused or are we distracted today? How can we focus ourselves on Christ and all that he is today?