Christian Devotional – December 3, 2022
Four of the Letters, Day 1

Paul wrote many letters, but somehow I always put Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians together. They are written to 4 different groups of people at 4 different times in Paul’s life, but the messages are still so consistent. We’re going to read through these 4 over the next several days. Read Galatians chapter 1.
Paul is giving his testimony and explaining what God has done in his life. He finishes with this statement. The people were praising God because of Paul.
Do you seek to have people praise God because of you or just have people praise you? As we read through these letters we see that Paul had both scenarios at different points in his life. People had praised him for his knowledge and position, but when he surrendered to Christ, people started to praise God because of him. Paul was much more proud of giving God the glory because he knew that was who truly deserved it.
Which scenario are we seeking? Which scenario defines us? Do we see to have people praise us? Or, are we surrendering to God and seeking to have people praise God because of us?