Christian Devotional – December 4, 2023
Revelation, Day 9

No repentance. Read Revelation chapter 9.
As I read through all of the horrible judgments that are poured out through this chapter, this last verse still surprises me. Every time I read it, I keep thinking that the response would be different. When God brings judgment, do we recognize and turn to him in repentance? For the people of the world, the answer is no. Even with all of the millions and billions of people that will die as a result of the judgments and plagues that are brought on the world, people continue in their sin and do not repent.
What will it take for people to see their sin as God sees it and repent? How can we point people in the direction of God now so that they do not go through these terrible atrocities later? God is holy and just and righteous. We are not, and as a result we must repent. How are we coming to God and repenting today?