Christian Devotional – December 6, 2023
Revelation, Day 11

God’s power. Read Revelation chapter 11.
We read in Revelation chapter 11 about two witnesses who give testimony of the power of God and demonstrate that power themselves. What’s exciting about this chapter is that we see towards the end that God himself begins to reign and the people are excited about it and worship and praise him.
God has the power and the authority to reign and rule over this world. He has that power now, but chooses to allow us to make our own choices. When we look at the world around us, we need to realize that God is still in control even when we see all the chaos that ensues. God will reign and rule over this world, and we will rejoice when he does. Just because he is not the open ruler today, doesn’t mean that he isn’t still in control.
While God may not be referenced as the ruler of the world today, he is still very much in control and we can praise him for that now and praise him for his future dominion over the world.