
Christian Devotional – February 22, 2025

Ruth’s Example, Day 1

Taking action without consulting God. Read Ruth 1:1-5.

As we just finished the book of Judges and saw firsthand how people were not being obedient to God, I wanted to take a few days and walk through Ruth. Ruth takes place during this exact time-frame and is an excellent example of many of the learnings we had in the previous study. As we start off here, we learn that this is the time of the judges and people are doing whatever they want. Here the family of Elimelech decide to move to another country because of a famine. Do they consult God? No. Do they ask where they should go? No. Are they just doing their own thing and hoping it works out? Yes.

As we see here, this family was in a place they should never have been. They were following their own ideas and really didn’t ask God’s help for anything. No wonder Naomi ends up feeling abandoned.

We must be seeking God in every question and decision we face. God is the one who can guide and direct us. God is who keeps us on the right path and in the center of His will. Are we seeking Him or just acting on our own?

Video Devotional here: https://youtu.be/KuSJ51–zh8

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