
Christian Devotional – February 24, 2019

Plan much? I know I am a huge planner and love a well thought out, well executed plan. Yet, I have to be careful I don’t get ahead of myself. Read James 4:13-15.

Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.”
James 4:15 NASB

We do plan a bunch of things and we need to be able to have an idea of what God wants us to be doing. However, where we get into trouble is when we make plans that are our own plans and that don’t have the flexibility to follow God’s plan. God have every right to change our plans and to rearrange our days to have us in exactly the right spot for Him to get the glory and praise, if we are following Him.

Do we make our plans based on what God has for us? Do we recognize that God has the right to change those plans at any moment of any day?

How will this change your plans for today?

Want to know more about plans? Here’s a recent conference I gave speaking on the topic of plans falling apart