Christian Devotional – February 5, 2023
The God who Hears, Day 35

God is who delivers us from trouble. Read 2 Samuel chapter 4.
David finds himself in a similar situation again. He has been working against the son of Saul to be able to be the rightful, true king of Israel. However, some men take it upon themselves to hurry up the process. They take God’s justice into their own hands. David reminds them, and himself, that God is the one who is responsible for putting him in the position he is in. God is the one who will help him to achieve all that God has promised to him.
People should not sin in order to bring about God’s purpose. The ends do not justify the means. David shares this with these men. Ultimately, God is the one responsible for ensuring that we end up exactly where he wants us to be. God is the 1 responsible for fulfilling his promises. Other people should never take it upon themselves to make God’s promises happen. How can we rest and rely on God more fully today?