
Christian Devotional – February 7, 2024

Psalm and Praise, Day 38

Waiting for God, even when we’ve been wrong. Read Psalm chapter 38.

While there are many verses throughout psalms that talk about the importance of waiting on God, the one today indicates waiting on God when we’ve been wrong. David explains in this psalm that he has done something wrong and as a result, he is experiencing the consequences of his sins. He is going through pain and suffering, and even in the midst of all of that, he says this verse where he is going to wait on God. Not only that, he knows that God will answer him.

Even when we mess up, even when we fall short, God will still answer us when we call to him. If we come to him in repentance, God comes to us and forgiveness. We can never out-sin God and we can never be so bad that he would write us off.

Is there something we need to come to God in repentance for today? Are we seeking after and waiting for God, even when we have done wrong?