Christian Devotional – February 9, 2020

Day 40 – The commitment. After the review of their history, the people recognized the need for a fresh commitment to God. Read Nehemiah 9:38.
“Now because of all this We are making an agreement in writing; And on the sealed document are the names of our leaders, our Levites and our priests.”
Nehemiah 9:38 NASB
We saw yesterday how the people had reviewed their entire history and they saw how faithful God had been through everything and recognized how wickedly they had acted. What was the result? This verse. The people made a decision to make a commitment to God again. They renewed their commitment and made it as binding as they knew how.
What do we do when we recognize we have fallen and haven’t been following God the way we know we should? We repent. We start again. We renew that commitment and do again what we knew we were to be doing before. Do you need to renew a comittment today? What commitment do you mean to make to God today?