
Christian Devotional – February 9, 2022

The Essential Jesus, Day 40

Leave everything. Day 40 if the Essential Jesus reading plan on explains how Jesus directed people to leave everything to follow him. Read Luke 5:1-11.

What are we willing to sacrifice to be able to follow Jesus? These fishermen, who have made their entire livelihood based upon fishing, have just caught the largest amount of fish they have ever seen at a single time. What do they do? Jesus tells them to follow him. So, they walk away from the biggest sale and most lucrative deal they have ever had in order to be able to follow Jesus Christ. Can you imagine all the fish laying on the shore rotting because they chose to follow Jesus?

The same question comes to us. Will we sacrifice to follow Jesus? Will we leave behind the potential for popularity and prosperity and power to be able able to be a servant? The logic doesn’t make sense if we are thinking this from strictly a world mindset. However when we truly understand all that Christ offers us, it doesn’t even seem like much of a sacrifice to leave all of that behind to behind to pursue him. What are you pursuing? Are you willing to follow him and leave everything behind? He is by far the greater reward.