
Christian Devotional – January 16, 2024

Psalm and praise, Day 17

Where is your reward? Read Psalm chapter 17.

This is another song where David shares his struggles, trials, and difficulties with the people of the world. He is being attacked and is under persecution from his enemies. How does he respond? David goes to God, of course.

in this song, he makes an interesting statement. David asks to be saved from the people whose reward is here on Earth. He doesn’t ask to be saved from evil people. He doesn’t ask to be saved from people who want to harm him. David asks to be saved from the people whose reward is here on Earth.

Where is our reward? When we think about what we are seeking every day, are we focused on our eternal reward and the things that God intends to provide for us eternally or are we seeking our reward here on Earth? According to these verses, if we are seeking our reward here on Earth then we are standing in the way of the people who are seeking their reward eternally. We need to make sure we are focused on the right things so that we are moving people toward God and not standing in the way of that. Are we helping people move toward God today?