
Christian Devotional – January 29, 2023

The God who Hears, Day 28

What do you do when God doesn’t seem to answer? Read 1 Samuel chapter 28.

Saul was in a difficult situation. The armies were massing against him, and he didn’t know what to do. He wanted to hear from the Lord, but it seemed like the Lord wasn’t answering him. While Saul ends up going to extreme measures to try to find an answer from the Lord, what we find out is that he already knew the answer. God had already shared with him what he was going to do and there wasn’t anything new to share with him. Saul just didn’t like the answers.

So often, we feel that God is not answering us when in fact, he has answered us, we just don’t like the answer. Sometimes the answer is no and sometimes the answer is wait. Are we willing to accept God’s answers in our life even when we don’t agree with them? God gives us answers if we will listen and seek him. However, we shouldn’t expect God to change his mind or to just give us what we want.