Christian Devotional – January 30, 2022
The Essential Jesus, Day 30

God’s purpose in us. When we think about why we are here and what God’s purpose is for us, what comes to mind. Read Isaiah 61:1-11.
Today, looking at day 30 of the Essential Jesus reading plan on, we see how God’s purpose for Jesus intersects with His purpose for us. Do we look for God’s purpose in our lives and how He desires to glorify Hinself through us?
God has annointed all of us through the Holy Spirit to do the work that God has for us. Do we know what that is? Are we looking for it? We have a very skewed idea of what important work is in our culture. It is truly important work to raise a family that loves and honors God. It is important work to share care with our neighbors and those we are around. It is extremely important work to be praying on behalf of our leaders, the lost, and others. We might not be the next big household name in whatever area we are in, but we can still be right on track with God’s extremely important plan. Are we following the annointed plan from the Holy Spirit in our lives?