
Christian Devotional – January 30, 2024

Psalm and Praise, Day 30

Wailing and Dancing. Read Psalm chapter 30.

I had a conversation this week with a friend who was telling me about someone they spoke with this week. This person believed that if you were a believer in Christ that you be in a good mood and happy all the time. You should always be smiling; you should never be crying or upset or angry. If you were, it was a demonstration of lack of faith.

That belief system is contrary to what this verse says. We are not the ones who bring happiness and joy into our lives. We cannot think it up and we cannot mentally create it. God is the one who turns our morning into dancing. God the one who provides the ability to see past the momentary frustrations and focus on the eternal reward.

We are not the ones who can think ourselves happy, God is the one who creates true joy in our lives even during the sorrow. Are we allowing God to move in our lives and to turn our mourning into dancing? How can we focus on the eternal even while going through the difficulties in the moment?