
Christian Devotional – January 9, 2016

Read Genesis chapter 25


Genesis 25:32–“Look, I am about to die.” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?”


This story has long been used to illustrate the dangers of just thinking about the here and now at the expense of the long term. When we are in the midst of an issue or concern, it’s easy to see only what is right in front of us. We think we have to find a way to get through the immediate crisis before we can start to think about the long term. However, we must realize that we must always be thinking about the long term impact of what we do. Like Esau, when we make it through the immediate crisis at the expense of the long term goals, we then become bitter and angry at ourselves and those around us. What long term goal does God have for us that we need to be mindful of today?


Father, Help me to look to You in the midst of a crisis, not myself and my own desires. I know that You always have the short term and the long term in mind. I pray that You will help me to make the decision in line with Your will so that I will know exactly what You are able to do and are able to provide, so that I will be on the right path all the time.