Christian Devotional – July 17, 2023
Through Suffering, Day 29

Your thoughts matter. Read 2 Peter 3:1-2.
Reading these verses, we see the reason that Peter wrote these two books to the people in first place. Peter wanted them to remember that they needed to be thinking. He wanted to stimulate wholesome thinking.
What we think about matters. Our thoughts are the driving force behind everything that we do, the way we do it, and the way we are motivated by it. What are we telling ourselves today? Are we pouring over scripture and feeding ourselves the word of God so that it is in our minds and on our thoughts throughout every single day. We cannot be the person that God desires if we are not consistently and continually filling our mind with God’s truth.
How do we get God’s truth in our mind? We read it and study it every day, and then we meditate on it throughout the day. Find one truth that God has given you today and keep that truth at the forefront of your mind throughout the entire remainder of today. See how God uses that truth to motivate you and to spur you to action and obedience in your life today. Tomorrow, repeat.