Christian Devotional – July 18, 2023
Through Suffering, Day 30

The future is set. Read 2 Peter 3:3-7.
The end of the world and the future of all time is actually already determined. God is victorious and in the final judgment, he will judge all things. Peter reminds the people that there will be those who will forget that God actually did create everything and has the right to judge everything. They will lead their lives as if there is no accountability, when that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Almost 2000 years have passed since Peter wrote these words, yet they are still just as true today. So many people have forgotten all that God is going to do. Just because he hasn’t done it yet, doesn’t mean that he won’t do it in the end.
Are we living each day mindful of who the creator is? Do we recognize that everything will ultimately be judged by him?