
Christian Devotional – July 20, 2024

Times of Transition, Day 15

Legacy. Read 1 Kings chapter 15.

As we read through this chapter of multiple kings from both Judah and Israel, we see very few who are actually followers of God. In fact, this verse is stated about a king who did not follow God, but God preserved his line because he was a descendant of David. God kept his promises to David.

It’s important to realize that while we cannot truly control the actions of those that come after us, our legacy can impact those we leave behind. Our obedience to God is something that God can choose to reward for the generations to come. God can choose to bless our descendants because we have been obedient even when they are not.

We want to leave a legacy that points people to Christ, and they must ultimately make their own decision for themselves. But we can still give them as much of a benefit and blessing as possible by our continued obedience to Christ through our life. Will our descendants experience the blessings of God because of the life we are living today?