Christian Devotional – July 21, 2022
Teaching and Training, Day 9

Why was Paul writing this letter? As we come to the end of this 3rd chapter of 1st Timothy, Paul gives us a glimpse into the reason behind his writing of this letter. Read 1 Timothy 3:14-16.
Paul indicates that he wanted to come to Timothy in person. He wanted to have that face-to-face conversation. However, some things were more important than being able to share them face-to-face. Paul wanted Timothy to know the importance and the purpose of the group of believers that met together as the church. He even writes, if I am delayed in coming to you, I want you to know this about how to act and how to conduct yourself.
Are we paying attention to the instructions that God gives us? Are we so passionate about Christ that we share that message regardless of whether or not we can do it in person or through other means? We have so many methods today to communicate the truth of God’s word, there’s truly no excuse for not sharing what God is doing and how God is moving in our lives. How can we communicate to others today the message that God has for them? Don’t delay! They need to know and understand today.