Christian Devotional – July 23, 2022
Teaching and Training, Day 11

Workouts. It’s interesting to see just how many people are focused on getting and staying physically fit. Paul mentions something similar here. Read 1 Timothy 4:6-10.
Instead of only focusing on our physical health and well being, we should be focused on our spiritual health and well being. As Paul mentions, there’s definitely benefit to physical workouts and physical training, but those benefits are limited to this life and this life only. When we take the time to spiritually train ourselves, workout, and exercise our understanding of who God is and and how we can have more faith in him, we are improving ourselves not only for life here and now, but for eternity.
How much time do we spend on our physical training? How much time do we spend on our spiritual training? Make sure that we are keeping our priority on the things that matter and that have eternal benefit.